
We Think Differently

We specialize in 5 simple things that help you and your business starting now…



First of all, we accept every client. That’s our basic philosophy at ORFUNAGE. When others don’t want your business because it’s “not a right fit” or you “don’t have enough budget”, we welcome the opportunity to help you create your dream as a small business owner. There’s always a place for you here and we’ll help you find a strategy and budget that works for you. Nothing is ever set in stone and everything is negotiable. That’s common sense and how the world works. But common sense isn’t so common and we take advantage of other agencies misguidance. This simple philosophy makes us different and has proven to strengthen our relationship every day. 



We don’t tell you what you want to hear. We tell you exactly what we think about your business and it’s current standing. We’ll tell you what you are doing well, what you need to improve on, and what needs to be eliminated. We’re also human and make mistakes just like everyone else. What we do differently is tell you what we made an error on and apologize. Seems simple right? Well many people in this business skip over that part when developing a relationship with clients and it never works out for them. We think differently. 



Are you tired of the same old ideas? It’s time to see all of the contemporary practices to highlight your brand online and locally. That’s what we do. We come up with a simple strategy to market your company and make more money. The definition of insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. If the strategy isn’t working or not as well as we planned, we switch gears quickly and try new ways to reach your audience. That’s how we think differently. 



Digital marketing evolves every day. What was common practice in 2014 may be obsolete in 2016 and many of your competitors are staying current with the times and you need to also. Business owners hire us for only two reasons – they don’t have the time, don’t have the skill-set, or both. So what we also do is educate you what is effective today so you can understand what exactly is being done to increase your brand’s awareness and why. We take the extra time to show you how we do our work because it helps your business grow faster because you, are able to contribute more effectively. In the end of the day, this is your business, not ours. We want your business to succeed and grow so we welcome as many questions as possible. This is how we think differently. 



Technically, we have a professional relationship as client vs. contractor. We provide a service in exchange for a fee or equity. But your business is very personal to you and its employees just as our business is to ours. It provides for you and your family, it keeps you away from your family and friends every day, and it controls your emotions. So we directly are influencing those things that matter most to you and we take that very seriously. So it isn’t reasonable to think of you as just a client because these relationships are inherently personal. Listening is the greatest form of communication. We want to understand why you’re in this business and what goals you have because we share the same feelings as you. 



– George Orwell